Campus cyberinfrastructure, while unique to an academic institution
and reflective of different institutional priorities, often share common
operating models, technical challenges, and economic realities. This
workshop offers an innovative and agile group of cyberinfrastructure
leaders an opportunity to anticipate, compare, and contrast various
approaches to the common challenges and opportunities in providing
cyberinfrastructure services, both technical and economic. |
Advanced computing infrastructure and services have become commonplace requirements for researchers, but funding opportunities for computing infrastructure have become limited while competition for them grows tougher. Now with shrinking budgets and new disruptive technologies, the search for better sustainable funding and new business models is increasingly urgent.
NSF support has been received by Cornell University for a follow-on workshop to the original May 2010 “Sustainable Funding and Business Models for Academic Cyberinfrastructure Facilities” event. This workshop, open to all CASC members and the larger community, will take place during the “first half” of the Fall CASC meeting scheduled for October 2-4 at the Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel. Presenters from academia, industry analysts, and funding agencies will share and contrast various challenges, opportunities, and solutions starting Wednesday, October 2nd at 8:00 am.
Workshop II/CASC Meeting Registration
Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel
Please note: The NSF-supported workshop begins Wednesday, October 2 with
breakfast at 8 am (and official start at 8:30 am) and finishes on Thursday, October 3
at 1 pm. The “second half” of the Fall CASC meeting begins Thursday, October 3
after the 1 pm close of the workshop, and finishes on Friday, October 4 at noon.